Dragon Titans

I dreamt I was in a world with vast almost Australian Outback type landscape, with a deep starry sky, by some steep, primarily smooth, craggy cliffs. This realm was occupied by T-Rex-like, dragon/dinosaur beings with beastial mammalian features primarily around their heads and faces, with antlers like Cthonic “Titans”.
The smallest, perhaps youngest, one, used their magick to create an artistic image of themselves as the “Elder” Titan of Light, and projected it up along the primary cliff face, in a way that made it appear as a pigment-based cave painting. It was simple and minimalistic, yet beautiful and stunning, and the form of the Elder Titan of Light bore a great resemblance to the “Nightwalker” from Princess Mononoke, but with grand antlers. The older Titans saw this and were mortified and began a clamor of drama and complaints about the audacity of this young one, and proceeded forth to find and likely ostracize the child Dragon-Titan.
The adults towered in size as if they were mountains themselves, but were not nearly as tall as the “defaced” cliff. I wanted to defend the little one, understanding its intent via Empathy, knowing it did not mean to offend, but I was invisable and inaudible to the mature Titans. I then woke up.
