πŸ›Έβš‘ Force of the Eye Onion

A young innocent girl runs away from an old man through a richly textured cold mountain forest. Gray high densely knit tree branches cover the surface of the mountain with lichen growing all over them.

The girl, frail, searches the mountainside for help as a city in a distance burns. The creepy rigid old man in a gray suit approaches her with a perverted gaze in his eye, reaching his hand to steal her innocence.

This alien agent disguised as a person with superhumans strength comes up, grabs the old creeper man, throwing him miles in a second. His body explodes on impact, destroying an old establishment building in the heart of the City, left in ruin and flames.

As the agent runs off, running but not with his legs, I realize I had seen him earlier in the dream, he is an alien agent in disguise.

It destroyed that man by throwing him at the speed of light hence transforming his body into an explosive device, destroying an entire city block on impact. Yet the alien agent chose to leave the young girl unharmed.

Pieces of a burning stone gargoyle building fall to the city streets far below causing chaos. I look beyond and realize most of the city is already burning and destroyed.

I pause in the dream to contemplate the power this agent had to throw that old man’s body at light speed.

I contemplate the power of this unknown alien race.

A massive seamless space ship uncloaks, revealing it’s reflective surface before cloaking back into invisibility. Something about a radar station helped reveal it.

The ship detects the radar station, alters course and smashes into the massive radar station on the side of a hill, destroying the entire city along the mountainside by crushing its invisible ship hull into it. The bedrock of the Earth crushes and bends like the surface of water as all buildings explode under the intense pressure of the invisible spacecraft bearing down on the city. Like the finger of a fifth dimensional God stamping the human city.

The ship takes the form of the Flight of the Navigator Trimaxion Drone Ship, the size of 15 city blocks.

Everything in the city explodes as though under intense heat and pressure applied by the massive invisible ship as it collides with city structures, pressing them into the dense earth beneath.

The ship is denser than dense, material beyond what we know, solid earth Rock gives way to this ship is like liquid, it pushes and applies pressure to the entire city at the same time as it explodes and burns, killing everybody at once.

I watch their souls fly free of their bodies from an ethereal bird eye view.

The force of so many souls dying at once creates a soul vortex.

Souls are thrust forward and drawn into the vortex and pulled into another world, I feel myself slipping from observable space, as all of the magicians of the earth try yet they cannot hold it back, succumbing to the death vortex.

All souls are drawn into this super vortex that demolishes all sense of being and as each layer of form is destroyed it reveals a deeper layer of the Eye Onion.

Painful at first like tearing a bandage off my entire being, then increasingly ethereal and expansive, the eye onion destroys all illusion as it penetrates my soul.

Deeper and deeper yet still we slide into the eye onion, orange and black, layers of concentric circles, design patterns, visual super intelligence liberates me from my body in the fiery ego death.

The eye onion is orange and black, orange like fire, black like the void, ever deeper into the heart of existence, tendrils expand from the heart of it, reaching out to all extents of existence, as a sun in another dimension of space shines.

Quantizing down through layers of the eye onion, deeper and deeper mystical truths are revealed, as the architecture behind experience is known only as it’s torn away and burned in the glory.

The layers are penetrated and I feel the sense of human orientation dissolving, a full body endogenous flash takes over my body as I dream. Very strange and intense things happen.

My soul becomes a star, flames flung and all directions, up down left right forward backward, blowing off my sense of being in a body, flaming freedom, dissolving into the primal essence, light awareness, underlying soul structures are decimated and then seem to reform reorganized in a timeless super space, I feel my very heart of being restructuring while suspended in firey hyperspace.

What I first thought was destructive was revealing a deeper freedom that I had longed for, the inner core of the infinite light.

A sense of lifting deception, as though a long kept secret is being finally revealed, that existence is not at all what it appears.

I feel at first deceived by the lifted illusion, destroying reality before me. And yet knowing that it created me to begin with.

The infinite eye of the onion gives life and takes life away.

Penetrating deep beyond the heart of matter, my soul is far-flung into a new world, where peace and knowledge prevails.

This experience of peace is momentary and I’m thrown back into the world as in all seeing eye watching it burn.

The cities of Earth burn, defeated by something dense beyond density as we know it, unknowably advanced to humankind.

Starting to rouse, I feel my body laying in bed, was it just a dream?
